

Program Features

Some of what the program offers.


·         You can set up cycle menus from 1 to 42 days in length and add up to 26 modified diets.

·         You change the cycle length and the starting day of the cycle.

·         You can create Combination Diets with the click of a button using 15 diet/food texture and 4 liquid consistency adjustments to the MenuMizar base diets.

Menu Assessment:

·         You can generate a list that shows personal recipes and where they are used in a menu.

·         You can generate a list that shows specific recipes or foods and where they are used in a menu.


·         You can change the Dislikes associated with MenuMizar recipes.

·         You can change the Diet Link Matrix associated with MenuMizar recipes.

·         You can change the Combination Diet Matrix associated with MenuMizar recipes.

Resident File:

·         You can add specific recipes to a resident's Do Not Serve list.  These DNS recipes function the same as Dislikes.

·         You can De-activate a resident's record so that it can be excluded when printing tray cards and other reports.

·         You can add or replace foods on a resident's menu for any day.

·         You can change font size, style, type and color in the Tray Card Notes.

·         You have separate fields for Adaptive Equipment and Allergy Notes.  You can generate reports that list the resident that have these special needs.

·         You can generate a report for those residents who use Supplements.

Production Sheets:

·         Production Summary report includes Resident Dislike data.

·         Production Run capabilities allow you to generate Production Summary reports for sub-sets of your Resident population.

Tray Cards:

·         You can choose a variety of Tray Card formats.

·         You can add headings to food groups on the Tray Cards and enter custom names of each.

·         Print sorting feature allows you to "cut and stack" your Tray Cards when you print by meal.

Saving MenuMizar Files:

·         Safeguard in the Save File dialog box to prevent inadvertently saving the file currently open over other existing Menu, Resident, Recipe or Cost file.